Travels with Nicholas - Part 1
Date: Saturday, October 2, 2004 11:18:49 -0700 (PDT)
To: Friends & Family
Subject: Travels with Nicholas - Part 1
Hello my friends and family,

Let me continue; rock hit driver's side of windshield resulting in a stunning starburst for a while until it evolved into a wonderful spiderweb slicing down my windshield. Alternator fan-belt snapped causing me to lose all charge forcing me to coast into abandoned gas station - no less. I am having so much fun. Wish you were here.
By the way, did I mention that I am not even out of California yet; and that I am only into the

Well anyway I found this Starbucks in little ole Lake Tahoe (not a bad place to be broke down (and going broke to boot), to sit and send you this update. Preparing to walk to auto parts store to get that pesky fan-belt. Should have it on and be up and running in a couple of hours. Am preparing to mosey across Nevada on Highway 50 dubbed 'America's Loneliest Road'. I am hedging my bets and am assuming that all that can go wrong has gone wrong and that I will be snug as a bug in my GMC rug.......sure....right.

Will let you know how I fare.
Yer bud,
P.S. May the GMC gods have pity on my soul.
End Part 1
Travels with Nicholas - Part 2
Date: Monday, October 4, 2004 22:36:35 -0700 (PDT)
To: Friends & Family
Subject: Travels with Nicholas - Part 2
Hello all,
Made it through Nevada and Utah. Am writing this from Grand Junction Colorado. Had zero problems in Nevada....fortunately. Was a beautiful desolate ride. Middle of nowhere type of scenery. Will post pictures to the GMC website. Will send the link in a future e-mail.

Yep, such is the life. Having fun. Wish you were here.
End Part 2
Travels with Nicholas - Part 3
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 20:20:25 -0700 (PDT)
To: Friends & Family
Subject: Travels with Nicholas - Part 3
Hello Friends and Family,
Well I spent an enjoyable week with my father and mother in Colorado. Was way up in the mountains and didn't get wireless laptop service, which you may be grateful for as I was unable

I am now in Missouri visiting my relatives. I should be here for a couple of days before hitting the road again. I will be heading to Illinois to see my birthplace before turning north to Chicago and Route 90 heading west through the Badlands and ultimately Yellowstone.

Take care all. Will update you soon.
End Part 3
Travels with Nicholas - Part 4
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:03:20 -0700 (PDT)
To: Friends & Family
Subject: Travels with Nicholas - Part 4
Howdy friends and family,
As promised (not again you groan) here is an update on my meanderings. Yesterday was spent visiting the birth sites of famous people. I started out with Mark Twain's birthplace in Hannibal, Missouri. Very interesting.

Future updates to come,
Your traveling bud,
P.S. In the event that I had you totally fooled...yeah sure..... the aforementioned conversation was conjured up while passing the miles (except for "Now please turn that rig around and get off of this base") for my own amusement....and yours... and I'm sure masks some of the disappointment I felt for not being able to visit my birthplace. But in the aftermath of 9-11 (and tight restrictions on military bases and with M-16 armed guards) the very least I could do was cheerfully comply. I am now on my way to South Dakota and the Black Hills. Hopefully I can get in there!
End Part 4
Travels with Nicholas - Part 5
Date: Monday, October 25, 2004 22:01:18 -0700 (PDT)
To: Friends & Family
Subject: Travels with Nicholas - Part 5
Well howdy good folks,
Last e-mail I sent I had just tried a failed attempt to visit my birthplace in Illinois. From there I headed north to Chicago then on through Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Anyway on to Wyoming I went. I decided to visit Mount Rushmore where I came face to faces withh the Presidents' busts. I realized that they were up there because they had achieved some sort of fame. In fact I saw there was still room even for another famous figure to be added.

Til then!
Nicholas, your traveling bud
End Part 5
Travels with Nicholas - Part 6
Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 08:02:21 -0700 (PDT)
To: Friends & Family
Subject: Travels with Nicholas - Part 6
I know, I know. Just when you thought you were going to hear the last from me, you get another e-mail. I save these up you know, sometimes for days because I don't always get internet service to send them out. I know, you are secretly wishing I never got Internet service. Have to hear about my woes and all.
Well as you know by now my motorhome has not been running too well. Just had another malfunction. This time with the transmission. Wouldn't shift out of first. Thanks to my good buddy Jim 'Can of Tomatoes', he walked me through a solution, all over the phone. Jim is a top notch mechanic. I could kiss him.

Following this debacle, and even though I got this last problem fixed, I have to admit I was pretty fed up with my motorhome. A love affair gone awry. Anyway, I was travelling through this small town, and spied a motorhome that I immediately fell in love with. It is Some Other Brand. I stopped and pretended that I was interested in some other not as nice motorhome and slyly let the salesman lead me to the one I really was interested in. Boy was I savoire faire. I think that means 'really smooth' in Greek or Tagonese.

Nicholas, the traveler.
P.S. Yes there is a God. These e-mails will end soon.
End Part 6
Travels with Nicholas - Part 7
Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 07:44:04 -0700 (PDT)
To: Friends & Family
Subject: Travels with Nicholas - Part 7
Please don't think ill will of me for being so wishy washy, but I'm on the road again, this time back in my trusty GMC motorhome. Yeah, I got it back.

End Part 7
Travels with Nicholas - Part 8
Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 23:40:54 -0700 (PDT)
To: Friends & Family
Subject: Travels with Nicholas - Part 8
I know that by now you realize that I have written my e-mails mostly with a tongue-in-cheek approach. That has been to add a little color to an otherwise unspectacular trip. However there is one rather serious episode of my trip that I would like to share with you.
I pulled into Cody, Wyoming only to find the flashing signs on the outskirts of town informing me that the entrance to Yellowstone Park 50 miles ahead, which was where I planned on going, was closed due to snow.

I continued on and sure enough, in twenty miles I hit some steep slopes. As a matter of fact, they were steeper than any I have ever seen. Any motorhomer will tell you that a six percent grade is steep, and eight percent very steep, but ten percent is sure to be trouble. My coach groaned up the hill in first gear. Suddenly rain drops started pelting my windshield. Good grief, this is all I needed. In the dark and rain I kept going, sure the top had to be at hand. Then suddenly the rain drops turned into soft splashes of snow hitting my windshield. I knew I was in trouble.

I got back into my motorhome and started on. In spite of the snow I felt I could slowly get down the other side. I started down, and then up another little rise and then down again, as on a ridge of a hill, when suddenly my jubilation turned to sheer panic when I realized that the road was starting to steeply climb again. Now you have to understand that I was in a snow fog and couldn't see beyond fifty yards, so I had no visual perception of the terrain. What I was also unaware of was that there were two peaks to this mountain, and I had only just reached the peakof Bald mountain, elevaation 10,042 feet, and had yet to scale Hunt mountain with an elevation of 10,162 feet. Now one might think that the difference in elevations of 120 feet is not that much, but to climb it in a vehicle means at the minimum two to three miles by road. Any consternation I had climbing the last peak was magnified ten fold. The snow was coming down much harder and there were no cars but me on the road. I kept talking to Rocket, that's the name of my coach, coaxing him along, assuring him that he could climb this hill. But suddently the inevitable happened, I started losing traction. I inched to the side of the road and ground to a halt. I was in a fix...big time.... and I knew it.
All I knew was that I was on this mountain all alone in a blinding snowstorm on a ten percent grade. I hastily jumped out and started putting anything I had to act as blocks behind the tires. Two hydraulic jacks, a large pipe wrench, a large propane tank fitting that carried with me, and the spare tire out of the trailer. I then placed my safety reflective triangles in the road and two battery operated emergency flashers that my folks had just given me as a gift. I climbed into my darkened motorhome. I dared not turn any lights on so that I could conserve my battery to operate my furnace....and God bless that furnace. It was my salvation. Twice, believing that the motorhome was sliding backwards down the hill, I panicked and jumped out of the motorhome door out into the blinding snow. I had to convince myself that I was suffering from vertigo which was causing weird sensations in my mind, due to a lack of orientation because of the steepness of the slope and the darkness that I had enveloped myself in.

I awoke to the sound of the Angel which God sent down to help me. His wings were making an odd sound. Kind of mechanical it sounded like to me. I peered out and saw this scruffy looking Angel dude.

End Part 9
Travels with Nicholas - Part 9
Date: Sunday, October 31, 2004 22:25:09 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Travels with Nicholas - Part 9 - Finis
Looks like there is a God after all. See? This is my last e-mail to promised. I have made a safe return home after spending a month on the road. For that I am grateful.
I started my trip in search of my roots and maybe hopefully to discover something about my self. You want to know what I found out? I found that my roots, although originating as a seedling somewhere in particular, are never ending. I found that new roots are laid everyday, every time I interact with someone, or every time I foray into a new area. They are just newer roots than the older roots of yesteryear, soon to be older roots themselves. I found that by searching for my roots, I was really only laying newer roots, and so on and so forth. By understanding this and accepting it, I have come to realize that wherever I am at is merely a compilation of all of my roots. To understand who I am or where I am from, I need only to look within.
As far as finding out something about myself, I found that no matter what was thrown my way, it was my responsibility to address the issue and figure out an optimum solution. There was no excuse for failure. And to this end, I seemed to manage. For better or for worse. This is no different than all of the day-to-day obstacles that are presented to us on a daily basis that we are required to overcome. Just different situations. For that I feel like I have found a part of me that I like, even more so than before my trip.
I also figured that seeing majestic mountains and cool rivers and endless fields of grain would give me purpose that I was seeking. I thought that meeting a variety of peoples and overcoming any challenges thrown my way would help strengthen my character and strengthen my resolve. And you know, all of this is true. And it did. It was a magnificent experience. But you know what I really discovered on my trip? That truly home truly is really where your heart is. Home is loving and being loved by friends and family. Home is knowing that in spite of all the trials that we endure on a daily basis, that we are where we need to be. That the pastures on the other side are not greener, or the good old days were not better than freely accepting and loving life today. Without sounding too esoteric (sappy might be a better word), I discovered that I am ok, and that I am happy being here now. I am grateful for this understanding. I also realize that I have friends and family, that help ground me with my existence, and want to thank you for being one of those grounding figures, and for allowing me the privilege of sharing my experiences with you. Thank you. Take care. God bless.
Nicholas Bowen
The Traveler, Formerly in Search of His Roots and His Self