Manchester Beach Rally

Howdy one and all,
What a jammed packed, fun-filled pzazz happening time we GMC 49ers had at the rally at Manchester Beach. That is, once we passed the test of traversing the grueling, twisty, turny, windy road marked 128 from Highway 101 to Highway 1. Every mile, you thought, only one more mile.....of course this line of thinking went on for over 60 miles. Gruel I tell you....gruel.
But once we got there, we quickly forgot about the gruel and immediately concentrated on the fun. Hay rides, lighthouse tours, and communing with seacoast nature was on the agenda. And Saturday night was reserved for a nice catered dinner followed-up with indigestion and apprehension filled fun in the "War of the Tables". Four tables competed with one another in the games of whisper where little Miss Muffet clammored to climb Jack's beanstalk, and Fact or Crap being the highlight of the table wars.
Departing was a two-edged sorrow. One edge was we were leaving good friends till next time. The other edge was we had to again traverse the 128 gruel, or pretend the way out of there going south on Highway 1 was any easier. Yeah right! A big thank you to Jack and Deanna Gray for hosting this really.
In any event we all made it home safe and sound and hope to rejoin one another at our next rally in Columbia. We hope to see you there. Ya'll come...hear???
P.S. Many thanks to Gene Fisher for setting this forum up for us. We hope to use this to update one and all in the future.
Take care,
Hi everyone,
Don't forget about the upcoming rally in Columbia to be hosted by Terry and Debra Taylor. They are taking reservations as I write. See you there.
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